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Video highlight

In the era of information explosion, video has become a primary medium for news and learning resources. Noteey's video highlight feature helps users efficiently learn from videos by making time-stamped notes for quick reference and reuse.

Local Video Highlights

Importing Videos

There are two ways to import local videos:

  • On the canvas: Click the File icon in the toolbar, then choose between import mode (creating a copy) or link mode (reading the original video directly to save storage).
  • In the Library: Click Import in the top-right corner to add videos to the Library, making them reusable across different projects and cards.


Creating Highlights

On the Canvas:

  • Select a video and click the Highlight button in the option menu.
  • Click Create Highlight to generate a time-stamped note.
  • Clicking the highlight instantly jumps to the corresponding video position.


In the Library:

  • Open the video in the popup window and create highlights.
  • Copy highlights to the clipboard or export them as a TXT file.


Library Management of Highlights

In the Library, each highlight is an independent entity:

  • Clicking a video highlight automatically plays the video from the highlighted timestamp.
  • Users can edit notes and timestamps of the video highlight.
  • The Locate button helps jump to the timestamp and view all highlights for a video.
  • Users can see which projects and cards reference the highlight.
  • Multi-select highlights to add tags for classification.
  • Select multiple highlights and add them to a project.


Using Highlights in Canvas and Cards

On the Canvas:

  • Drag and drop highlights from the right-side panel to the canvas.
  • Highlight objects display video title, timestamp, and notes.
  • Double-click a highlight or click Locate to open the video in the right-side panel at the correct timestamp.


In Cards and Journals:

  • Drag and drop highlights onto a card.
  • Choose between Mention Mode (displays as a link) or Embed Mode (shows complete highlight details).


Online Video Highlights

Adding Online Videos

  • Noteey supports added YouTube videos in two ways:

    • Click Embed in the toolbar and paste the video URL.

    • Paste video links directly onto the canvas for automatic conversion into video objects.

  • Online videos can be used on the canvas and in cards just like local videos, ensuring a consistent experience.



With Noteey's Video Highlight features, users can efficiently use their video highlights, and boost productivity for visual learning.